Multi-Level Marketing in Malaysia

Life, MLM Overview, People No Comments »

Today, 31st August 2010, marked our 53rd year of Independence. I like to wish every Malaysian a very Happy Merdeka! as we celebrate and foster our relationship among all races, beliefs and from all unique and diverse cultural background. Unity in Diversity.

Last night, I saw a TV program, called  "I wanna go home" by Wee Meng Chee, better known as Namewee. It is about Namewee's  journey from Taiwan coming back to Malaysia, with a very minimal budget, together with the help from his friends, they struggled to be back to celebrate Merdeka countdown.

In this journey, they met with quite a number of Malaysian who worked in various countries, whom are very proud to be Malaysian and Malaysia has always been their country, their beloved country.

I felt that everyone of us are proud and fortunate to be a Malaysian. I also felt very fortunate too for MLM (Multi-Level Marketing) has been brought down or introduced to Malaysia. I have experienced the works of MLM in myself and also in other people's lives. MLM Industry is beautiful. If it weren't for MLM, I don't know what will I be doing.

Multi-Level Marketing in Malaysia offer one of the greatest business opportunities for all Malaysian. MLM businesses are well accepted here and it is a growing trend.

We have experienced a great deal of both success and failure, the ups and downs of MLM Companies in Malaysia.

Nevertheless, Malaysia is the 2nd most dominate Multi-Level Marketing country in the world. There are newly born MLM companies from overseas, came down to open their market in Malaysia before spreading to the neighbouring countries in Asia.

Malaysia were chosen because of our people are from various races and cultures, and these companies believe, that we can go very far, in term of our languages. Just listen to our people speak, when they buy fish and vegetables in the morning market.

We have Bahasa, English, Mandarin, Cantonese, Hakka, Hokien Dialect, Hindu, Tamil, Sikh, Portuguese and so much more. We have the mix of everything!


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Authored by kevinn on 31st August 2010

Organisation and Maintainence

Marketing Plan, MLM Overview 1 Comment »

When people saying they are doing or they are involved in MLM ( Multi-Level Marketing ), they are actually building a business. 

They are participating in selling, talking to prospects ( friends, relatives, colleague, neighbours, etc ) about the business.

Yes, selling is part of building your MLM business, but most importantly is to sponsor your prospects into the business, turning them from customers to become members / distributors of the company. In other words, make them your downlines. 

What is the difference between servicing customers and servicing downlines?

Customers buy your products, and you earn retail profits whenever they buy from you, but they come and go. They won't last. Selling won't take you far. 

Downlines are locked into your organisation. You earn whenever they and their downlines buy each month. They even buy at member's price. Building an organisation will outlast you in this business.

MLM business is about building organisation.

There are MLM companies out there that requires you to maintain sales in order to keep your organisation. ( Note : Not all MLM companies. )

If you forget or never maintain your sales in a single month or, for some, 2 months consecutively,  your whole downlines will be gone. You will have no downlines, zero.

For example : You have built up to 50 members, over a period of time, but you didn't maintain sales for the month of July, you will begin with zero member the next month, in August.

You will have to start sponsoring again. You will begin all over again.

Beware of losing your organisation.


Authored by kevinn on 30th July 2010

New Sunday Times Viewpoints April 25, 2010

MLM Overview, People No Comments »

Lecturers forcing students – New Sunday Times

I was surprised to see my dad's view published on today's newspaper, page 20 on Viewpoints. It was a continuous subject from the last week paper, April 18,2010 – "Big Money on Campus"


Thank you NST for putting up Mr. Hock H.E. Tan's views on MLM in today's paper!

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Authored by kevinn on 25th April 2010

MLM in Campus

MLM Overview, People 1 Comment »

Today's front page Exclusive on New Sunday TImes – April 18, 2010

"Big Money on Campus"

and here is my view :

The most important thing about MLM is the Marketing Plan and its strategies. Over the years, new plans have been created and it improves from time to time. It needs a very experience person to create a Marketing Plan, which supercedes the old plans.

This experience person will also evaluate whether a company with this kind of plan can last or not. I have seen a plan and I know it won't last more than a year and true enough.

What will happen to a very established MLM company if you take away its Marketing Plan? I am sure the sales will drop. It is the Marketing Plan that makes the MLM Company grow.

It is impressive if one sees the plan in theory, but in doing it (practical) it doesn't work.

There is no such thing as putting money and making money without recruiting people in MLM.

Why does the money stopped coming in, when one slowed down? It is because one is selling. The moment one stopped selling, the income stopped. One depends on selling to earn a living. He/she should be building an organization by recruiting members. That is what MLM is all about – helping people building an organization.

Binary means two legs and pay by pairing – one left and one right. This kind of plan will have a problem, having a runawayleg.

Never buy and keep stocks. Buy products when you need to eat or somebody placed order to buy from you. You have a buyer and products sold to the end user.

Some joined and recovered their capital, but some don't.

by Hock H.E.Tan
 (MLM involvement since 19th July 1975)

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Authored by kevinn on 18th April 2010

Seminar Selling

FAQ, MLM Overview No Comments »

Today, I went to a health talk. I was invited for the talk and this is what we called "Seminar Selling". It was held in a hotel. The venue represent the formality of the occasion. When a meeting or a talk held in a hotel, it's formal. It also depends on the way the presenter or speaker dresses, whether casual or in a tie, long sleeves and coat.

I felt at ease and comfortable the moment I arrived at the receptionist table to register my name before entering the hall, mainly because they are all in casual (T-shirts) and jeans.

One of the purpose of Seminar Selling is to convey the information to everyone at one go, instead of distributors doing a one on one presentation to a prospect.

This Seminar also support its distributors to invite their prospects to listen to the talk. Its either the company employs its marketing people to be the speaker or at times, it is initiated by a group of distributors (leaders) to conduct the seminar.

This kind of seminar will help those who are not only new in the business but those who feels that they are unable to speak very well about the business, to invite their prospect to listen to the speaker to talk on their behalf.


Authored by kevinn on 31st January 2010

How to choose the best MLM plan?

FAQ, MLM Company, MLM Overview 4 Comments »

Different people have different levels of understanding in MLM. I have been an MLM distributor and also has been in the MLM Management since 19th July 1975.

The BEST MLM plan will have these  criteria mentioned below:

1. Make sure the company doesn't sell "lots" or "centers"

2.Any commisions earned MUST be paid ON THE SPOT, IN CASH, daily.

3.They must have a small monthly maintenance which is below Rm20.00

4.They have a trial period of 90 days.

5.A REAL TIME, 24 hours. world wide.

6.They must SHOW PROOF  for whatever they tell you.

7. NEVER BELIEVE when they  say the company IS GOING TO….blah..blah..blah…

8. NEVER choose a " Breakaway System"

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Authored by Hock H.E. Tan on 4th January 2010

Making Appointments

Life, MLM Overview, People 1 Comment »

You and anyone who are in MLM business or any sort of marketing, should get themselves ready with their tools to do a business presentation to their prospects. This is the most important thing in making that deal or closing a sale, the tools.

The first impression is always the image that you show to your new prospect. Punctuality is one of the most important criteria. Please be there on time, and if you are staying far, you should leave your house early to reach your destination on time to see your prospect. Be clear by being transparent about the purpose of the appointment.

If you were invited by your friend for a drink out of a sudden, there is something he/she wanted to show you. No matter what it may be, some people just don't want to reveal what MLM company they are representing.

Recently, my friend tried to make an appointment with me for his business presentation. He won't tell me what company and what kind of product/services he is dealing with. He insisted me to meet at a certain place and then go to their office. He said " he wanted to show me the office ". I tried to negotiate with him to meet somewhere nearer and more convenient for me because I 'm bringing a friend along with me for that appointment.

When one feel uneasy about the appointment arrangement, one may not go for it.

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Authored by kevinn on 3rd January 2010

Sharing Experience

Life, MLM Overview 1 Comment »

Dear Friends,

Happy New Year 2010! to everyone.

This year, I turn 58.

I'm going to help those who believes that in order to succeed in life, he or she must work for it.

First, what is success to you? Success could mean anything to each individual. To me, success is having the freedom to do what you like to do and the money to enjoy the things you do.

We have only 24 hours, 8 hours sleep, 8 hours of work, and what do you do with the other 8 hours? I'm going to share with you what I did with the 8 hours, since the day I started my working life and I hope you can benefit from it.

I'm also inviting you to share your experiences, so that we can learn from each other. I like to leave a quotation each time I post in here. Thank you.

"Life Is What You Make It Out To Be"

Authored by Hock H.E. Tan on 2nd January 2010

No Worries

Life, MLM Overview No Comments »

This is what I saw over my room window during my day off. I took my annual leave and I woke up early… STILL.

I should be in bed!

This cat walks around my block,

… but this morning I caught him sleeping like a log!

The cat has no worries at all. This is what reminds me of what it means to be in the position of  " F.I.P.F " – Financial Independence and Personal Freedom.

It means, you don't have to worry about the money and you have all the time in the world to enjoy what you love to do. No worries about money means you know where the income comes from and it will continues to generate every month into your bank account.

You could wake up anytime and sleep anytime you want and you know that you don't have to punch the clock in the office the next morning, because you don't have to be in the office, to be answerable to anyone. You are your own boss. No one is above you except for God.

I m not in bed because I have not obtain " F.I.P.F "

Authored by kevinn on 25th October 2009

Passive Income

MLM Overview No Comments »

Some time ago, my downline ask me to go out with him for a drink because he brought a friend with him and wanted to share with me a business opportunity. So, what do you think I do?

I said, " Sure, what is it about? " and He said " just come and take a look ". As far as I am concern, its actually no harm to know what is it about. Perhaps, it could be something new in the market that I have never come across with. So, I went to listen with an open mind.

One thing is for sure, I have to pick what exactly I want to do. I couldn't do everything at one time. I have to focus.

This young energetic guy spoke to me. He presented this products and the marketing plan. He showed me lots of things about his MLM business. He did a demonstration on me too!  It took him about 2 hours talking to me and my downline in the coffee shop.

He knows where he is heading. He mentioned one of the important word there is in MLM, and it is 

"Passive Income"

He said this is the ultimate aim, why does many people want to do MLM. "You are earning income while you are not there".

It is very true, but I said "not many people who are in MLM knows that". Why? And there are other ways to earn Passive Income too. Some people may use this popular sentence " … money make money ".

There are other opportunities which can also gives you a Passive Income. For those who are in MLM, there are some supporting and good features in MLM which you can share with your fellow prospects.

Passive Income is, indeed one of the most important reason for doing MLM.

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Authored by kevinn on 22nd October 2009

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