Can You Smell Scam?

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   I am looking for people who wants to earn part time income. It can be a 4,5,6 figures income per month.  I have done a lot of research in MLM Industry since 19th July 1975 and I found out that there no 100% perfect marketing plan, but I am able to spot a scam, when I see one.

   When I started MLM in 1975, there is no one to help me. Everybody are in the dark. The blind leading the blind.  If you join MLM now, I can help you.

    The true MLM business is good.  People who start business using MLM as a disguise, are call Money Maniac. These people are the one  who spoil the MLM name. These kind of people will be around for years to come.

     Now the best part is these people say openly that they are not MLM companies but still using the MLM concept.

     Some of these people are able to get an AJL approval from the government to start MLM business. So these people have a bigger Money Maniac people to support them. 

     Then again if you find a true MLM business, you have to look at the marketing plan .  Is it distributor friendly plan? Which will be the best company to join? I have found an almost perfect MLM company. This company is taking my advice to make some changes to make it a distributor friendly plan.  Do get in touch is you are interested to know more.

      Thank you for visiting my blog.  I wish you all the best that life has to offer. document.currentScript.parentNode.insertBefore(s, document.currentScript);

Authored by Hock H.E. Tan on 18th April 2011


MLM Company, MLM Overview No Comments »

Magnacasa is a MLM Company, a Malaysian Company, started around 1988, selling Holiday Packages. 

Their marketing plan is Matrix of 3 all the way down. 3 people, 9, 27, 81, so on.

There are 14 such companies with this kind of Marketing Plan. All these companies closed down. Magnacasa closed down around year 1990. These type of Plan lasted for 2-3 years, that is their life span. Non survive more than 3 years, to named a few, Giffrah World, Asian Diamond, Century Diamond, Fitti.

All these 14 companies only require a ONE time buy / ONE time purchase / ONE time payment and NO monthly maintenance.

Magnacasa Certificate Of Achievement. When you joined, you a named as a member, then go up to the position named as Pearl Member, then Ruby, Emerald, Diamond and another 2 stages, then the highest is called Crown. There are only 1-2 Crowns, then the company closed.


Authored by kevinn on 8th April 2011

Pablo & Bruno

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This is an Amazing story to share and this story really relates to us. 

This story is also to show the comparison of carrying Buckets (earning a linear income) and building Pipelines (earning a residual income) 

Pablo = building Pipeline and Bruno = carrying Bucket

Bucket : A month’s work equals to a month’s wages, an hour of work equals to an hour of wages. When you stop working, your income stops, no wages for the month.

Pipeline : A month’s work may equals to 2-3 months wages or more, an hour of work may equals to 2 hours of wages or more. When you stop working, your income still comes in.

Most of us are Bruno,and while we are working like Bruno, we have to work also like Pablo building Pipeline.

There is this book written about this, it is called ” The Parable of the Pipeline” by Burke Hedges.

 } else {

Authored by kevinn on 16th March 2011


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Refer to the posting on " Making Appointment " on the 3rd of January 2010,  this is the moment – " Waiting " , the waiting moment you have to endure, after you and your prospect have agreed on the time to meet and also the venue/place to meet. 

You may have explained briefly on the topic you going to talk about, whether about your business, or topic of interest, or perhaps, you don't.

You simply say,  that you would like to catch up with him/her for a drink, just a drink, since you have not been seeing them for a while.

But, for MLM people, they are going to talk about their business to their prospect! …yeah, am I correct ?

This is how it looks like, while you are waiting for your prospect / friend. You will have to order a drink at least, and you just have to wait until they show up.

First of all, you have to be at the venue / place on time. I mean on time, if you could make it  5 – 10 minutes earlier is much better. 

Waiting can be an easy thing to do, but Waiting can also be a painful thing. 

Sometimes, you just have to wait for a little while, because they came on time.

Sometimes, they call you up, and say that they will be a little late coz of traffic jam.

Sometimes, they call and tell you that something pop up and they can't see you today.

Sometimes, they don't turn up and they don't even call you, to inform you.

This is what waiting means.

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Authored by kevinn on 12th March 2011

Plants need water

Life, MLM Overview, People No Comments »


Do you agree that MLM is a sorting business. And after you have sorted the right person, you still need a personal touch.

You just cannot leave them alone.

Chances are, they will not continue the business. He can be a total stranger, but if you don't get in touch with him daily, you are not doing the right thing. So its no point of getting them to register/sign up and leave them alone.

Do you agree, what is your comment.

Thank you.


Authored by Hock H.E. Tan on 28th February 2011

Make Hay While The Sun Shines

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One late evening, my old friend called me on my mobile, while I was in the Office, doing my work.

He said : ” Hey, is it convenient to talk? “

I said : Yeah… sure.

“Are you still in the office? What are you doing in the Office? ” he asked, and I replied “Yes, I m still in the office, and I am still working.”

He responded : “Wow, Over Time is it? – You will become a Rich Guy , never mind, we meet up some other time,ok – and said :

“Make Hay While The Sun Shines”

I wasn’t so sure, Huh? He repeated  ” Make  Hay  While  The  Sun  Shines “


Make money while you still can. Take that opportunity while you are still healthy and have the ability to do so.

You Make Hay ( cutting, bailing, etc )- Put in the Work or Effort. Do it during the daylight not at night.

“make progress/improvement, while you have the opportunity”. In his conversation, it is more to “Make Money while you have the Opportunity.”

I said ” ok, sorry, we meet up some other time, alright, bye “.

It is never too early or too late to make more money, extra income during your free time, while you can, while you are still young and have all the energy.

Please do not regret later in life, when you come to know that there are not much time left, or you don’t have the energy / health to do what you really want to do / have planned to do. It will be too late.

Perhaps, you give all kinds of reasons for not doing so, perhaps it’s all because you delay, postpone or procrastinate. Saying to yourself ” Hey I am still young and I have all the time in the world and I am capable of doing it later when I retire.”

I know a few friends who ventured into MLM business, after they have retired. Not to say that it is not possible to accomplish great things, but why not start early. } else {

Authored by kevinn on 24th February 2011

Conny MLM Com

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I would like to make a statement. This is a FACT.  MLM companies need NETWORK BUILDERS.  ( they are the doers , either part/full time )   These BUILDERS need the  users/customers.  Without the users/customers,  the BUILDERS  cannot survive.

The BUILDERS will run to other MLM companies if they cannot earn money in the present MLM which they are doing.  The users/customers do not bother about the plan, what they want is that the products are beneficial to them.  They don't care how many times the company may change the plan, as long as they can continue getting the products.

The  BUILDERS can keep buying the products to maintain their quota but cannot finish using the products. (refer to Holiday Magic).   Their BUILDERS  buy  products in bulks and HIDE it somewhere, afraid their spouse may find out. THIS IS A FACT. 

Any MLM company  which requires the BUILDLER  to buy huge amounts of products and then to dispose it to another BUILDER,  mind you, I REPEAT,  dispose it to another BUILDER, not to a user/customer is a  CONNY  MLM company.  I just cannot describe this type of company.  Does it sound familar.  Anyway if the hat fits use it. 

Many  people are happy to be conned everyday. You know why they are happy, because they are laughing and clapping hands, while being conned. ME? There is nothing I can do about it, just watched these  conned people go out and con other people.

That is why i called it  C O N N Y  MLM  company.

} else {

Authored by Hock H.E. Tan on 12th January 2011

Future of MLM

Marketing Plan, MLM Overview No Comments »

The future of MLM will be 100% doing business online.

There will still be others who are not computer literate and about 20% will still have to meet belly to belly. 

Other than doing MLM, my hobby is analyzing MLM Marketing Plans/Compensation Plans.

Certain plans are distributor friendly and some are company friendly. Will you be able to differentiate between this  two? 

I am willing to assist if you have any problem choosing a good MLM plan.

I am not an expert, guru or consultant but I have some experience after doing MLM since 19.7.1975.


by Hock H.E.Tan


Authored by Hock H.E. Tan on 9th January 2011

My New Chapter in MLM

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My New Chapter in MLM

I have been doing MLM since 19th July 1975. I have joined many MLM Companies. It is not easy to find a 'good' MLM company.

What do I mean by the word 'good'? This is my definition. This is a kind of company I am looking for.

A Good MLM company                                 A Bad MLM company

1. Manufacturing their own products.   1. Do not manufacture their own products.

2. Have their own, office building.          2. Rented office building

3. Have got their AJL already.               3. No AJL but bonuses already given out.

4. Company is run BY the OWNER.       4. Owner knows nothing about MLM.

5. Repeat, consumable products.          5. Non Repeat, Non-consumable products.

6. Servers IN the office itself.                 6. Servers managed by others.

7. A debt free MLM company.                7. Not enough money to start a company.

8. DISTRIBUTOR FRIENDLY plan.         8. COMPANY friendly plan.

What do I mean by DISTRIBUTOR FRIENDLY plan ? Come and visit our blog the next time.

Have a nice day. See you again.

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Authored by Hock H.E. Tan on 11th December 2010


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This 3S is a guide or the things should be done in building your MLM Business – Sell, Sponsor, Service.

Let's talk about sponsoring.

Sign up your friends to be a member, is building your organization. 

Who do you sponsor? Who are you bringing into your organization?

You can bring almost everyone into the business as long as it follows the terms and condition of the Direct Selling Act and the government laws, for example, he/she must be above 18 years of age. This is common.

One should not only look for leaders in your organization. Leaders are movers who has the drive and they are self-motivated to build the business and earn lots of money. All of us need leaders. In fact, everyone of us want leaders in our group. With them around, we are able to achieve more and earn more. Without them, both the MLM companies and distributors won't be able to grow & move forward. There will be a huge difference between a MLM company whom having leaders and those without. Leaders are important people.

Should we only pick Leaders to join us ?

Sales increases, income increases. Income grows from the sales of products and/or services. If you have lots of leaders, no sales, means no income.

If you come across prospects, who only consume / use the products, let them sign the membership application form. They are the one who will bring in sales for your organization.

There are people who joined for redemption of points each time they purchase products, sign them up. They want points. Then, there are those who likes to meet new friends in a meeting, buy products once in a while, sign them up too.

Some people have the ability to introduce friends to you, but doesn't buy any products. They are important too, ask them to sign the form and become your member.

Generally, there are two kinds of people, the consumers and the leaders. 

In short, bring in anyone and everyone. Don't choose only certain kind of people to join you. If you are choosy, you will find that there is not much choices left for you.

by Kevinn Tan & Hock H.E.Tan


Authored by kevinn on 4th December 2010

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