Word of mouth is a powerful method of selling or delivering messages to friends and it is always works.
In Multi Level Marketing or better known as Network Marketing, Word of mouth is a form of advertising where you recommend a good product or sharing a business opportunity to your friends.
You will recommend a good movie to your friend to watch during the weekend. Perhaps you may suggest a good western food restaurant to your friend. It could be giving direction to your friend to a place for a nice cup of coffee. We are sharing and recommending almost everyday, if you look at it closely.
And, may I asked whether the movie ticket counter guy give you any free ticket for recommending friends to the movie? How about discounted price for the next coming movie? Definitely no.
What if you could be paid for recommending friends? Would that be nice? How about getting some rewards from friends who recommend his friends to purchase a product or services?
Authored by kevinn on 3rd March 2009
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