Why I joined MLM – Ron Krueger, Wisconsin
I was in executive sales with a Fortune 500 company, and my first reaction to MLM was negative. I was naive enough to think that I would make my money in the work world.
In the work world I learned that my destiny was not in my control , but was controlled by the company for which I worked. I had a group of accounts, but they wouldn’t let me expand my territory. Plus, they were not coming out with any new products.
I began thinking. I asked myself if I was making what I was worth. I wondered, I had had so much fun working for myself when I was a kid, and then had grown up to be an employee of someone else! So, I decided to become the president of my own lemonade stand again.
Another question came to my mind! How would you like to own your life – and make what you are worth?
MLM is word-of-mouth advertising. With most business investments being so high, MLM is reasonable way to get into business for yourself.
Written by David Roller, How to Make Big Money in Multi-Level Marketing, page 20
Authored by kevinn on 1st May 2009
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