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You are sitting and playing with your grandchildren one evening. And one of them ask, out of curiocity "Hey, grandpa or grandma, How was your life when you were young? " what did you do?  what is your advice to us? Yah, yah tell us your adventure? ask another.

I think these are some of the questions from our younger generation.

Have you ever wonder how are you going to tell your story to your grandchildren if they ask you about what you did when you are young?

It would be interesting to tell your side of life story to your grandchildren who are very eager to listen. It doesn’t matter whether you have succeeded in that venture, but the most important thing is that you have done so much in life and you have got something to pass down to them. 

Imagine that you have not done anything and you wish you have done it. That will be the regret of your life.

I did so much so far and I am going to do more.

} else {

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Authored by kevinn on 26th March 2009

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