Tee-Up ABC

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How are you going to hit a ball into a hole in a game of golf? Hole in one.

Can u give a first hit of high ball if a golf ball is placed on a grass?

You have to put a “tee-up”, that plastic thing poke into ground, giving a raise to the golf ball enable you to hit a high ball and give it a distance.

So what is ABC? Some named it as ABP.

This ABC method not only applies to MLM, it applies to other business transaction and in relationships or where it deems fit. One of the first few companies, which is a Single Level Marketing (SLM) implementing this method is Tupperware.

When you are doing your MLM business for the first time, you need help from your upline. Your upline will show you how to do a presentation to your prospect.

This is where the ABC comes in.

When you are a MLM distributor, you are a B, stands for Bridge. You are the one who do the bridge or introduce your prospect to your upline. You have your role to play. Each time your upline made a point in his/her speech, you nod a little, to show agreement.

B sets up appointments for the presentation. B also initiate the closing of the presentation / sales by giving a pen and an application form to the C, stands for Customer.

Body Language plays a huge role here. You can view a person reaction from the Appearance / Outer Look / Facial Expression.


to be continued…


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Authored by kevinn on 6th November 2010

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