Apr 04
From Your Wholesome Health Book… here is the back portion of the book.

On your Right : Lifestyle Analysis Chart Diagram
On your Left : Map of the World ;
One of the book is original, the other, is copying the original. Which is the one?
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Authored by kevinn on 4th April 2011
Apr 03
This is the continuous post from ” Your Wholesome Health ” Book, as you can see more difference if you compare further. Please turn to page 12, and you will see the colour of the “Star” at the bottom of the page.
The Original Book has GREEN STAR logo at the bottom of the page and the GREEN STAR logo printed on all the pages.

The other Book has no STAR logo on all the pages, except on this Page 12, they have mistakenly printed only on this page, printed with a BLUE STAR logo.

Authored by kevinn on 3rd April 2011
Apr 02
Hi, Please refer to our previous post, Your Wholesome Health Book, this is the inside of it.
Just look at the difference…
One with a LOGO and one, without.

I love coffee very much. I can say, never a day, without at least a cup of coffee.
Everything you consume, always on average. Overdoing is too much, it won’t be good. Everything we take, we should take moderately.
Some of us have strong lungs, we smoke, nothing happen to us. For some who have weak lungs, a stick of cigarette can make you lying down in hospital bed.
Each of us are neither healthy nor sick. We are just doing fine at this moment.
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Authored by kevinn on 2nd April 2011
Mar 24
Your Wholesome Health Book is a marketing tool to create awareness to your friends and prospect related to health.
This book illustrates on the life cycle of a human being, on our daily food intake, how harmful for our body and etc….
I think this short and yet simple awareness method, will make people ponder about their health.
These books are being used by distributors from two different MLM companies.
Both the book look the same, what do you think? Which is the Original and which is not?

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Authored by kevinn on 24th March 2011
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