Health is the primary duty of life.
-Oscar Wilde
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Authored by kevinn on 4th April 2015
-Oscar Wilde
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Authored by kevinn on 4th April 2015
Authored by kevinn on 21st February 2015
I can smell the fogging this morning, while I was resting at home after discharged from hospital.
Dengue fever is everywhere. The patient lying down on the bed beside me in the hospital, was having dengue. His girlfriend is at the lower floor also suffering high dengue fever.
The opposite uncle who is about to discharged after his back spinal bone operation, heard of his daughter and son in law, both diagnosed with dengue, and have to be admitted immediately on the same day. My good old neighbour’s daughter also suffer with dengue fever.
Although my temperature has gone back to normal (37.4), my highest was 38.2, I was retained due to the decreasing blood platelets to as low as 65L. Some patients goes as low as 33L, (should be 100 and above), some with no energy, couldn’t even walk properly. Every morning around 4am t0 6am, the hospital assistant will wake me up to take my blood sample, for blood platelets report.
I took some green stuff, papaya leaves, it was very bitter, and also tried another plant with a chinese name : Lock Key Sen Ken (picture below). Another green stuff I took also, the name is Liquid Chlorophyll, which is very much the same structure with the blood, the only different is the middle of the blood cell is iron and for liquid Chlorophyll is magnesium. I also took grapes, watermelon fruit, including the white part of the skin, isotonic drink (100Plus), don’t know which actually works on me. Just couldn’t depend solely on hospital medicines, Uphamol (Panadol), pill for gastric, pills for stomach, pill for side effect (Itchiness on my palms) etc. I was also on drips all the while since day 1.
Never before admitted to the hospital in my life, feeling tired, joints pain, headache, no energy, feeling useless, feeling grateful to my parents, fellow friends who have help me with the food, and support and to God, the Almighty for blessings and healings.
Always look out and go all the way to kill these tiny insects before it kills you! A tiny mosquito can bring a healthy guy down!
Oh ya, on fogging, I almost forgot, I also heard fogging while I was lying down on my hospital bed, on one of the evenings. Fogging around the hospital area and other surrounding area, two of the famous Supermalls, hotels, shows how serious this is to us.
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Authored by kevinn on 7th October 2013
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Authored by kevinn on 12th September 2013
Testimonial on Pro Argi 9 Plus}
Authored by kevinn on 14th July 2013
ProArgi-9 Plus
Good health is impossible without a strong heart.
The heart is a powerful muscle and the most important organ in the body. Protect your heart, it beats 24/7/365
Therefore, maintaining optimum heart health and enhancing the cardiovascular system are critically important for long term wellness. ProArgi-9 Plus helps strengthen heart health by delivering the benefits of l-arginine to your circulatory system.
Powerful ingredients work together to protect your heart :
1) L-arginine is a vital amino acid that plays a role in a number of physiological functions in the body, but is best known for its cardiovascular benefits. It relaxes the blood vessels, regulates blood vessel tone and flexibility, reduces stress on the heart, improves circulation and maintains healthy blood pressure.
2) Vitamin D3 is long known to aid in calcium absorption, plays a role in healthy cardiovascular function and supports healthy inflammatory response.
3) Grape skin extract is high in antioxidants, anthocyanins, and polypenols, which help fight damage caused by free radicals.
4) Xylitol is a low glycemic sweetener that occurs naturally in the body. Unlike other sweeteners, Xylitol has been shown to promote saliva production providing protection against tooth decay.
5) Folic acid, Vitamins B6 and B12 work together to naturally decrease homocysteine levels.
L-arginine is one of the most significant nutraceuticals ever discovered, and its remarkable properties were validated by the 1998 Nobel Prize in medicine. Scientific studies have shown that L-arginine helps maintain already normal blood pressure levels, blood thickness and improves overall cardiovascular fitness.
Watch out for one of the testimonial on ProArgi-9 tomorrow!
. . . stay tune and see you tomorrow!
Authored by kevinn on 13th July 2013
So many people spend their
health gaining wealth, and
then have to spend their
wealth to regain their health.
– A.J. Reb Materi
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Authored by kevinn on 10th July 2013
– Mahatma Gandhi
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Authored by kevinn on 6th July 2013
So many people spend
their health
gaining wealth,
and then
have to spend
their wealth
to regain
their health.
} else {
Authored by kevinn on 23rd March 2013
Hello everybody,
” How was your sleep last night? “
Do you have beautiful / nice dreams or bad nightmares? Do you know how to sleep well?
If you are having bad dreams (nightmares), and you awake in the middle of the night and then can’t get back to sleep, you won’t be having a good day the next morning. You will feel tired and sleepy all day, in other words stress related insomnia.
Sleep is important to us. It helps us to relax ourselves, our mind and our body, makes our system rest and makes us work/perform better the next morning.
We have 24 hours in a day. Some say that it’s divided into 3 parts, that is 8 hours of work, 8 hours of free/leisure time, 8 hours of sleep. Unfortunately, in today’s fast paced modern lifestyles, we sleep lesser and lesser. We made a promise to ourselves to sleep earlier than last night, but we just couldn’t.
There are people who suffer from getting a good night sleep for a long period of time, due to stress at work, and some other factors which disturbing the mind, and discomfort body, feeling anxiety, suffer from depression, etc. In this scenario, medication, physical exercises, body message, physiotherapy, communication & moral support among friends & family, will come to play.
The fact is that no matter you are a marathon runner, you workout in a gym, you are a non-smoker, living a stress-free lifestyle, you are the “eat good healthy food” person, you will still suffer the consequences of getting less-than- adequate sleep in the form of a heart attack at a young age.
A person recently died, after 11 days of no sleep as he attempted to watch every game in the European football championship. He may be in good health, but staying up through the night and not sleeping enough, will weaken his immune system plus drinking and smoking while watching football.
Who would have thought of that, how we sleep could turn out to be risk factor of coronary artery, as important as the risk of smoking to high blood pressure? Sleeping is indeed important.
Lack of sleep, for example, lesser than six hours a night, will relate to an increased risk of getting high blood pressure, by 350% up to 500%, compared to those who sleep more than six hours a night. This is no exception to young people 25-49 years of age, as they are twice as likely of getting it, if they sleep less. Individual who sleep less than five hours a night had a threefold increased risk of heart attacks.
Another scientific studies documented the following :
Middle-aged women who slept for five or fewer hours a night had a higher chance of suffering heart attacks than those who had a good eight hours of sleep.
If one completely lack of sleep or partial lacking of sleep, the blood concentrations of C-reactive protein will increased, which is the strongest predictor of heart attacks and other substances that reflect active inflammation. Even after getting adequate sleep later, the levels stayed high.
In just one night of sleep loss increases toxic substances in your body that increases risks of many illnesses, including arthritis, cancer and heart disease.
If you sleep less than six hours per night and have disturbed sleep, you had 48% greater chance of developing or dying from heart disease and a 15% greater chance of developing or dying from a stroke, according to Professor Francesco, who co-authored a report published in European Heart Journal. The trends of late nights and early mornings is actually a ticking time bomb for our health. So you and I need to act now and change, to reduce the risk of developing life-threatening conditions.
A few basic good, dos and don’ts sleeping habits, we could follow :
Go to bed and get up at the same time everyday, use your bed only for sleeping, go easy or consume less on alcohol and coffee, minimise the intake of nicotine and caffeine, exercise regularly in the morning or late evening, don’t do any mind thinking activities before bedtime, listening to soft, relaxing soothing music before bed.
You are health conscious, you may be fit, you may seems to do everything right, but getting only four to five hours of sleep every night, will get you into trouble. You should be getting more sleep!
Sleeping / resting is important after one whole day of work. We need enough rest to begin again the next day.
” Wish you Goodnight, sleep tight and sweetdreams. ” ^_^
Authored by kevinn on 6th October 2012
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