
Life No Comments »



  ” the doors will be opened

     to those who dare to knock “






Authored by kevinn on 5th July 2014


Life, People No Comments »




        C o u r a g e 

         He who is 

         courageous enough to take risk

         will accomplish wonders in life.






Authored by kevinn on 9th May 2014

Bear fight for her life!

Life No Comments »

Authored by kevinn on 6th November 2013


Personal Development No Comments »





    He who is not

    courageous  enough

    to take risks

    will accomplish

    nothing in life

                                  -Muhammad Ali





Authored by kevinn on 1st February 2013

Have the COURAGE to succeed

Personal Development No Comments »


97% of the people works to make the 3 % rich.

It is VERY easy to be rich.  All you need is COURAGE. 

Do you have the COURAGE to click to this website


I can give you 10 good reasons why this is THE BEST there is. I have been in this industry for 35 years.

Prove to me that you have the COURAGE. COURAGE is the first step to success.

Tan Hock Eng (   

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