When we take time to think deeply, we will see things differently.
I realized that a person has 4 stages in life.
First is childhood life :
1 to 6 yrs old, (growing)
Second is schooling life :
7 to 20 yrs plus, (learning)
Third is working life :
20 to 60 yrs plus, (wealth creation)
Fourth is twilight life :
Too weak to walk and need someone to assist you.
Do you realize that we spent most of our lives, creating wealth.
In creating wealth, we either work for a private company or the government. To truly create wealth you should not be working for anybody for a salary. As long as you are paid a salary, your income has a limit.
To create wealth you should do your own business.
The best business to do is MLM. Donald Trump says if he had to start all over again, he would choose to start MLM business.
But if you want to do a MLM business and choosing a MLM company, you don't ask Donald Trump. You ask me. The only difference is he has the money, I have the MLM knowledge.
Thank you for reading. Now it is your move to create wealth. It's nothing too early or too late to start.
by Hock.H.E.Tan
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Authored by kevinn on 13th February 2010
February 21st, 2010 at 11:36 pm
Dear friends,
Thank you for checking my blog. My blog is for anyone who wants to better their financial status. Even a millionaire wants to earn more money.
I have tried many ways to better myself financially since 19th July 1975. I found that the best way is through MLM. Call me for free advice before you join any MLM company. I give you my sincere opinion, the decision is still yours. If you choose the wrong company, you may loose money, time and dignity. Marketing plans differs from one company to another. Some are easier to achieve than the other. Why choose to do a difficult one when you can do an easier one, while both giving the same income?
The problem is how many people TRULY EXPERIENCED ENOUGH to know the difference. I have done MLM through trial and error for 34 years. I know the difference.
Call me at 019-6671345 or 016-2290390, I will be happy to help you. HOCK (MLM practitioner)