Satay Business

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Hello all,

How are you all doing? … hope you are doing great! 

We are going to tell you a short story about a delicious mouth-watering food, called Satay, a dish of marinated meat, may consist of beef, mutton, chicken, etc, grilled over a charcoal fire and served with seasoning.

Here is a story about two friends selling satay, side by side, next to each other. Let's name it Satay Stall Ali (A) and Satay Stall Baba (B).

One weekend, Satay Stall Ali sold about 50 sticks and Satay Stall Baba sold about 350 sticks. They both operating their business from 8pm to 10pm. Business was good all the time for Stall Baba. 

One fine day, during their off day, Business Owner Ali went over to Business Owner Baba's house for a chat…  

and at the same time, Ali ask about how he did his business, what is the ingredient in the gravy. 

… and Business owner Baba, said "nothing special, just extra service, maybe you didn't treat the customer well, that's all"

Will Baba tell or share his secret or recipes to Ali? What do you guys think? 

If Baba did, then the number of sticks will turn out to be 200 sticks for Ali and 200 sticks for Baba, equal number of sticks sold for both Satay Stalls. Baba will lose his business and Ali gain.

I doubt Baba will share, nope, Baba will be hesitated to do so. Nope, Baba won't tell Ali about the way he does his business. This is what happen in most conventional businesses.

In MLM business, it should be working the other way round. Take for example, Ali is Baba's downline. Baba will share his knowledge, experience and skills to Ali.  Upline (Baba)  should help, develop downline (Ali), in order to prosper. It will be a win win situation.


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Authored by kevinn on 1st November 2012

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