RunawayLeg in Binary Plan

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Binary means having 2 legs in your MLM organization, one distributor on your left and another on your right.

The payout was designed in such a way that you have to balance up the two legs.

Some company which have a Binary Plan implement other payout which makes it more interesting. This is what we called it combination of two or many types of MLM Marketing Plans. 

As for now, let's talk solely about Binary Plan and how the word "RunawayLeg" comes into picture.

There was a rule which stated that you must have 1/3 and 2/3 of distributors on either legs, in order to get paid.

There was also rules that says you must have 3 distributors on your left and 3 distributors on your right, and also there are 5 left and 5 right to receive your bonus.

Nowadays, if you have sponsored 1 on your left and 1 on your right, you will also get paid. That sounds easy.

Unfortunately, there can never be a balance of both left and right legs in MLM business. When one of the legs grows bigger than the other, then you will have 1 big leg (a lot of distributors) and 1 small leg (less distributors).

Some MLM people named this big leg as an Elephant Leg.

The common word to use for this big leg which grows bigger than the other in Binary Plan is called "RunawayLeg"

RunawayLeg happens in Binary Plan and it is not so good.

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Authored by kevinn on 5th April 2009

One Response to “RunawayLeg in Binary Plan”

  1. kevinn Says:

    Thank you dad. Its not easy to find someone like you these days in the MLM world! You know your stuff. You are unknown MLM junkie or guru for the moment. I believe many prospects and MLMers would be able to make better choices if they know all the marketing plans available in the market until today. I have seen and work out together with you on your unique marketing plan. Its fantastic! I will keep up with providing readers with more marketing plans with your help. Thank you once again.

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