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Dear friends,

Please study very closely about this company. Its NOT a MLM company. It doesn’t work like an MLM company.

1.  The USD that you pay DO NOT go to the company. It goes directly to the person who sponsors you.I have others who say “what if the company run with your money?”. How can the company run with your money if the money  DO NOT go to the company?.

2.  This IS a company that is TRULY  helping people to better their financial status.

The company is QLexchange, OneX is its marketing arm. Please go to youtube and google to check on OneX.

Do go to  www.onex.me/skyhawk

Register is FREE. I would be able to give you more info thru this link.} else {

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Authored by Hock H.E. Tan on 26th September 2011

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