Look at the Positive Side

Life, People, Personal Development Add comments


We had a workshop recently. One of the activities is to write about others. Each of us were given a big piece of paper to be placed at the back of us and we were are given a marker pen to write about the good points of our office friends.

The photo above shows all about the lady. She is "peramah" (Talkative or Approachable), Hardworking, Helpful, Good Leader, Teamwork, a Thoughtful Person, etc.

After about 20 minutes of music and the fun going around writing on as much as possible about our office staff, it's time to get back to our seats and look at what our friends wrote about us.

How does these words make you feel? These words really make you feel good.

Whether you know it or not, these positive words either make you realize about the good things that you possessed or make you change the way you look at others. (that is to look at others in a positive way – Look at the good side)

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Authored by kevinn on 11th February 2010

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