There is enough out there

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there is a lot of money to be made

Authored by kevinn on 12th October 2023


Life, MLM Company No Comments »

I got an article to write today, when Mr. Gomez talked about doing MLM ethically. He came to talk to my friend, coincidently when we are having coffee.

unexpectedly he came to share with us his business.

take people’s line and put under your organisation.

clear and transparent…

get more referrals

how come i gain less, but i have lots of downlines.

Authored by kevinn on 22nd September 2023

Things are expensive

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Authored by kevinn on 28th August 2023

How to make yourself lucky

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Authored by kevinn on 28th August 2023


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who push me?

Authored by kevinn on 27th August 2023

Income and Expenses

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Authored by kevinn on 23rd August 2023

Hunter and Hunted

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We have hunter and hunted

Authored by kevinn on 23rd August 2023

Turn to MLM fulltime

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What makes you to decide to leave this company?

Authored by kevinn on 19th August 2023

Spend wisely

Financial No Comments »


Do you sometimes wonder where does the money go? 

If you are earning RM5,000 a month, which is RM 166.00 a day. But you are spending more than what you earn.

How much effort and time spend on earning but you can spend it in minutes! Your income or saving all gone! 

Authored by kevinn on 29th December 2017


Life, Personal Development No Comments »




      You may delay, 

      but time will not.

-Benjamin Franklin




Authored by kevinn on 29th December 2017

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