This is an Amazing story to share and this story really relates to us.
This story is also to show the comparison of carrying Buckets (earning a linear income) and building Pipelines (earning a residual income)
Pablo = building Pipeline and Bruno = carrying Bucket
Bucket : A month’s work equals to a month’s wages, an hour of work equals to an hour of wages. When you stop working, your income stops, no wages for the month.
Pipeline : A month’s work may equals to 2-3 months wages or more, an hour of work may equals to 2 hours of wages or more. When you stop working, your income still comes in.
Most of us are Bruno,and while we are working like Bruno, we have to work also like Pablo building Pipeline.
There is this book written about this, it is called ” The Parable of the Pipeline” by Burke Hedges.
} else {
Authored by kevinn on 16th March 2011
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