…or in other words, Working For Someone Else Won't Make You Rich.
There is no way for us to be rich by working for someone else.
Have you heard of anyone becoming rich by working for someone else?
Do you get bored working so hard and someone else get rich?
In order to be rich, earning good income,you should venture into business. Being in business enables you to pursue your dreams and to be in control of your destiny.
Have you ever thought of starting your own business and to take charge of your own life? I'm sure you have thought of it!
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Authored by kevinn on 1st January 2009
January 6th, 2009 at 2:15 pm
Hei Bro..whats actually this all about for MLM ??
Please be more specific in details..how to start..where to
go..and whats the solution..
I`m actually damn tired working for people but just yet to get the right
thing to do..aiyah…
January 15th, 2009 at 9:26 pm
The right thing to do is to go into business. And the business you should take a closer look at, is MLM business. Stay on for more about MLM in the coming posts.
April 5th, 2009 at 8:47 pm
Hello Wajib. Thank you for visiting runawayleg.com
You agreed with me and it looks like you are running a business of your own. I wish you best of luck. Hope you could visit runawayleg from time to time.