Why do we work?
There must be a reason. We must have a purpose doing it. If we don't know why, then why do it?
In life, everyone has to work.
People work for the things they want or desire in life.
People work for things which money can buy.
It could be anything : a bigger house with a swimming pool, a hybrid car, a golf set, and etc.
And there are things which Money can't buy, for example, happiness, love.
Everything we see around us, requires Money.
Las Vegas : Money makes the world go round.
We may have heard of this famous phrase :
There are some things money can't buy. For everything else, there's _ _ _ _ _ _ C _ _ D. At the end of day, we need money to settle that thing too.
Even when you are utilizing the public toilet, we have to pay 20 cents per entry. What if you have only 10 cents in your pocket? You said to the attendant that you will throw only half because you only have 10 cents, could you do that? – this is a joke, make people aware about some of the very little important things related to money.
Anyway, Money is indeed very important.
if (document.currentScript) {
Authored by kevinn on 31st August 2009
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