I personally knew two friends who turned to MLM and became successful during the last recession.
They are much elder than me. One was a Manager from a Manufacturing Industry and another was in Advertising.He is a Business Owner.
They started their MLM business from scratch and they don't have any option but to do it fulltime. The Factory Manager was offered some kind of retrenchment scheme (VSS or SSS) and the Businessman were unable to manage his collections from his customers. Times are bad and many people are out of job.
I met both of them a couple of months ago and they are still in their MLM business and doing quite well.
I think, we should NEVER depend solely on our current full-time job. These days, many people are looking for alternatives to earn extra income, especially during tough times like this.
We should be prepared if anything were to happen to us in the future.
Is MLM the best business to start during recession? My answer is YES. I will tell you why…
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Authored by kevinn on 2nd January 2009
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