It is a Partnership Business

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When we became an Independent Distributor of a Multi-Level Marketing company, we actually involved in a Partnership Business.

This is how it goes, The MLM company will take care of all the big infrastructure expenses, such as manufacturing, packaging, designing, quality control, warehousing, research & development, administration, accounting, employee, management, public relations, order processing, shipping, payroll and many more. 

In other words, the MLM company will deal with all the headaches and major expenses.

The independent distributors will be doing all the marketing, moving the products, earns rebates and commissions on the products they use, consume and sell plus commissions on sales generated by other independent distributors they bring into the business.

Independent Distributors will have the incentives & the freedom to build huge organisation because there is no limit or capping on their income or restrictions on their territories.

As an Independent Distributor, we build our business and let the company do what they do best. Where could we find a business like this? 



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Authored by kevinn on 4th May 2009

One Response to “It is a Partnership Business”

  1. kevinn Says:

    Thank you for your support.I will keep up with my posts.

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