The day after I met Joshua, I went to see my neighbour at the back of my house about "sharing interesting events".
"Sharing interesting events " – is what I read in my SMS inbox a week ago. Both of us were in the same MLM business at one time. Adjusting my schedule to meet him, we are just trying to catch up with each other.
Looks like I was busy the whole weekend, trying to keep up with what is going on in the current MLM market.
Mr. Fabian was invited to attend MLM presentation by two different companies and he shared his personal experience about how those company does their presentations.
One similarity about Joshua and Fabian,is that both of them wanted me to start first with my MLM business, then they start to share theirs.
No product talk and No marketing plan talk. At the end of the day, Mr. Fabian just showed to me the brochures and flyers from the two companies that he attended.
} else {
Authored by kevinn on 26th June 2009
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