I believe in God

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The day was getting dark and it started to rain. It rain heavily all day long. The water rises and

the entire town was flooded.

You climbed and sat on the rooftop A small boat arrived to rescue you and you said

" It's alright, I believe in God, God will help me. "

And the small boat left. 

After an hour . . . 

the water rises, and so you climbed up further to another roof of your house. Another boat arrived, this time a bigger boat, with other flood victims. The man on the boat shouted "Hey, come, jump on board " and knowing you can't swim and you said boldly,  

" No, it's alright, I believe in God and God will help me. "

It's getting dark and the water rises further. . .

This time, you are on the tree. A helicopter came, throw down a ladder to you. The man in the heli, shouted, and you said, 

" It's alright, I believe in God and God will help me " and the helicopter flew away.

Bang!!! Lighting strike the tree you are on, and you fell off.

You went up the stairs and met God. You angrily ask Him,

Why ? Why ? Why ?

Why you take me from my family, friends and all my loved ones ?

I believe in you and You will help me. WHY didn't you help me ? 

Then, God replied

First, I send a small boat to rescue you, BUT you didn't take it,

Secondly, I send you a bigger boat, more comfortable boat, BUT you still didn't take it,

Finally, I send a helicopter to fetch you from the tree, BUT you still didn't take it !!! 


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Authored by kevinn on 20th March 2011

4 Responses to “I believe in God”

  1. nezumi Says:

    mean we shd grad all the opportunity we have lol……anyway, nice pic ……:)

  2. LeAnn Says:

    Good One! haha he most probably forgot to pray for eyes to see and ears to hear~

  3. siok ki Says:

    whenever got the opportunity, we must take it. There are a lot of opportunities everywhere, and we must open our eyes big to see. All come from the way we think from our own mind.

  4. hock Says:

    Most people are lazy. Their wants are more than their needs. Putting efforts to get what they want …..is another thing. They can give thousands of excuses. That is the kind of world we live in.  1,000 years ago and 1,000 years to come. People never change but YOU need to change.
    For things to change, I MUST CHANGE FIRST.

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