
Life, People, Personal Development Add comments

Hello everyone, it has been a while.

I like to wish everyone a Very Happy New Year 2011 !

HOPE : –

Hope is something you look forward to, something good you what in your life.

You do something, you work on something for the hope of a better lifestyle, a better well being, a happier family in your life, etc…

There are also, some who doesn't do anything, but only have the feeling of hope for a good life. At least, they have hope!,which is better that those who lose hope in life.

In life, you try, you make an attempt, you take the effort hoping for an outcome/ positive results.

I took my friend's advice, so called her attitude towards life, that is – in Malay Language mixed with English " Ada Try, Ada Harap " and I heard she said it everyday. I like the way she put it ! " Ada Try, Ada Harap"

In English " If you try, there is hope. " and " If you don't try, there is no hope. " at all !!!

Perhaps, it's because she is a salesperson and in sales, one must try, in order to see the outcome, whether it's positive or negative. One must try / make the attempt to close the sales, always.

In life, also in your adventure in MLM business, you do MLM because you have hope. If you fail, Never lose hope. Try and try again. If you fail again, try again.

A short topic about " HOPE " and it is simple, just say it everyday :  " Ada Try, Ada Harap "

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Authored by kevinn on 6th January 2011

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