Epic Era

Announcement, MLM Company Add comments


From a small and humble beginning cosway, dealing with consumer products through a MLM concept which started in 1987, which later named as ecosway in year 2001, now it’s going global.

Those who has their organisation in Cosway much earlier, still remain enjoying their income as a Cosway Member. Same goes to eCosway members, they will too enjoy their income as an eCosway member. And now, members may also enjoy the benefit as an Epic member, when they sign up to Epic membership.

This discussion was developed in the US in August 2013, news spread in Malaysia about 3 months back, but we came to know about it 3 days ago.

It is a MLM revolution made possible by a joint venture between Cosway with Mr. Glen Jensen, CEO to form EPIC. I believe it’s going to be launch from here, in Malaysia to the rest of other 16 countries on the 16th of January 2014.

We are grateful and fortunate to have the opportunity to meet with the 001 of Malaysia today, as we made a one day trip and we have the advantage of being the pioneer of this global opportunity!

We are at the top in Malaysia and the rest of the countries are joining us later.

Join us today!

Your introducer

Epic Era Membership ID : MY647001

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Authored by kevinn on 12th January 2014

One Response to “Epic Era”

  1. go ask alice movie Says:

    Latest news : Epic Launching postponed to February 15th 2014.

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