
Life, People Add comments


Two good buddies, Al and Bob, were colleagues. Bob retired a couple of years back and Al is still working. He has another 5 years to go before his retirement. Bob came into the office to sent products ordered by one of the office mate. Bob is doing freelance now.

Al     :  Hey Mr. Bob, how are you doing ? How’s retired life? ( Al looked up and                  greeted Bob while Bob walked in through the office door)

Bob  : Hello Al. I m fine, thanks. Yeah, it has been some time. How time flies.                   (Bob placing the products on the table of the other office mate, just                           beside where Al is sitting)

Al     : So, you are already retired and having your pension income every                           month and you are doing your own business now?  I think it’s all enough                for you… (both laughing – hahaha)

Bob  : Enough? hmmm …Talking about enough, how much do you think is                           enough, Al?  There will never be enough. (Bob continue talking to Al and               to some of us, in the office)


This is a real life conversation, which I observed last week, (real name not mentioned in this conversation).

Let’s each of us share a piece of our mind about the topic “enough” , shall we? thanks . . .


How to define enough?  How much is enough?  Do you have enough?

When we are hungry, we cook a meal. Our mum will usually go to the market to buy fish, vegetables, meat, spices, ingredients to bring home and make us lunch or dinner.  We fill our stomach and when its enough, we will stop, probably we wait for a few minutes before having dessert. After all that, we just couldn’t eat anymore. We had enough. If you are thirsty, you will drink until you feel it’s enough and you will stop. A buffet lunch, ,eat as much as you can, comes to the same.

If you look at fuel meter of your car, if the pointer shows an E (Empty) you drive to a petrol station for fuel. You will fill it up until it is Full (that would be F). The pump will automatically stop when the indicator reached the Full mark. You fill up into a container, at the back car boot.

When you are working, whether you are in Private or Government, you will come a time, you arrive at the retirement age of 55 or some may extend to 60 or 65 years of age, then you will retire from work. You had enough of your working life.

Your child is going for examination soon. You had him/her to do revision and exercises for almost, one whole day, since morning. He can’t concentrate and he start to play with his pen, drawing, his  mind can’t take it, no space for further input. He had enough and it’s time for him to the playground.

When it comes to earning income, it will never be enough, do you agree with me?

We look at our dream car in the showroom. We want to design our own home. We want to travel and see places. We want that hand bag. We want that new gadget. We want to try out new eatery places.

Perhaps you have already achieved your goals in life. You drive your dream car now, an Audi, BMW or a Mercedes, and your own dream home, a double storey bungalow. You had travel to a lot of places, you bought that hand bag, a coach, for your wife as a birthday gift, that exact brown one which she always wanted. You bought an expensive pen, Mont Blanc, for your husband. You now decided to buy a toy, a Harley Davidson chopper, join a new membership club, buy a second car for your wife. You wanted more. It is not enough.

A simple example, you walk into a supermarket or a mall, doing window shopping, or just look around, you want this thing, you want that thing to bring back home, there are a lot of things we wanted in life, actually.

So, when it comes to question on enough. It really depends on each individuals. When someone say it’s enough, that someone don’t mean it.

If it’s really enough, how much is enough?

I think in whatever we are doing in life, it’s good to do all in a moderate way. (It’s easier said than done)

We should strive  to live a well balance lifestyle. The six areas balance lifestyle in life, are health, financial, mental, physical, spiritual and social.

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Authored by kevinn on 23rd July 2013

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