Echoes Parfums

MLM Company, Product Add comments

I found the L’arome Echoes Parfums product list in a cupboard, as I was searching for the number 608 perfume bottle, for men. Unfortunately, I couldn’t find the number 608.

All the number starting with 5XX is for Women and starting with 6XX is for Men.

L’arome International started in 1981 in United Kingdom and it grow very fast, worldwide with so high in product demand but couldn’t cope up with the supplies.

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Authored by kevinn on 2nd August 2009

14 Responses to “Echoes Parfums”

  1. morani remo Says:

    how can i become a rep for echoes perfume in italy

  2. kevinn Says:

    Hello Morani,
    Unfortunately, L’arome is no more operating the MLM business. I am not sure the company exist or still manufacturing the products. I can’t be sure if there are any Echoes Perfume Representative in Italy. You can just ask around. No harm…

  3. emmanuel Says:

    L’arome is no longer operating but there is an equally good company called FM(federico Mahora) that make high quality fragrances and uses MLM.U can find out at our office in Milan.Lemme know if you interested.

  4. kevinn Says:

    Hello ASD,
    You don’t have to.

  5. B Dhillom Says:

    Hi All,
    glad to see there is info on Larome and how well it did!..Im a rep for Federico Mahora in the UK, and im so impressed with their new makeup range!!So if you know anyone in the UK who would like to start out with this company, lie i wish id done with Avon!, then get in touch though my

  6. cathyb Says:

    hi i got  527 and 528 and for man i got 610 i dont see they anywhere do you what they are from plz tell me if you know ty

  7. ellen Says:

    do they still sell this parfume echoes larome? they use to be home parties but can not find them now please help i loved 510 would even want to be a rep. please let me know thanks ellen

  8. RavynG Says:

    I still have 505, 522, and 611. I have no idea what 522 was supposed to be like. It is slightly spicy and I used it layered WITH 505…. 611 seems to be rather unisex.  Wish I knew what they were mimicking.

  9. Melanie Hetfield Says:

    522 was like poison if I recall
    I finally used up all of mine last year, took 21 yrs and the strength of the perfume  was still strong!! #greatloss
    I heard from my upline at the time that one of the top guys,the one with the beard ran off with 10million making the company go bust.

  10. go ask alice movie Says:

    522 was passion, if I am not mistaken

  11. go ask alice movie Says:

    502 was poison.

  12. go ask alice movie Says:

    i like 524, I think it was Oscar de la Renta

  13. Clare Says:

    My mum used to be a rep for Echoes. They we liquidised because chanel sued them for 6.3m

  14. Mike T Says:

    I was a distributor for L’arome many moons ago shame they went down, but there is hope out there FM cosmetics is a great company to be with in 50 countries 150 fragrances a great marketing plan anyone interested then contact me

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