
Life, Personal Development Add comments

A speaker ask his audience : Now you are in KL and if you are going to London, how are you going to get there?

By plane, yes. One say : by bus. Yes, you can. Some say: by boat. It’s possible too.

How about by bike?
This guy, Abdul Hadi travel by bike from KL to London. He has a dream and he did it in his own way.

He made his ride in 2010 and from this video, you can see his adventure, a dangerous one, riding very close to big trucks at the edge of the hills. Enjoy this video.

Lift up the spirit of “Boleh” Malaysia Boleh

Yes, Malaysia Boleh!
Yes, You Boleh!
Yes, I Boleh!
Yes, We Boleh!
Yes, RunawayLeg Boleh!

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Authored by kevinn on 2nd March 2014

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