Jan 12

From a small and humble beginning cosway, dealing with consumer products through a MLM concept which started in 1987, which later named as ecosway in year 2001, now it’s going global.
Those who has their organisation in Cosway much earlier, still remain enjoying their income as a Cosway Member. Same goes to eCosway members, they will too enjoy their income as an eCosway member. And now, members may also enjoy the benefit as an Epic member, when they sign up to Epic membership.
This discussion was developed in the US in August 2013, news spread in Malaysia about 3 months back, but we came to know about it 3 days ago.
It is a MLM revolution made possible by a joint venture between Cosway with Mr. Glen Jensen, CEO to form EPIC. I believe it’s going to be launch from here, in Malaysia to the rest of other 16 countries on the 16th of January 2014.
We are grateful and fortunate to have the opportunity to meet with the 001 of Malaysia today, as we made a one day trip and we have the advantage of being the pioneer of this global opportunity!
We are at the top in Malaysia and the rest of the countries are joining us later.
Join us today!
Your introducer
Epic Era Membership ID : MY647001
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Authored by kevinn on 12th January 2014
Aug 22

Free Member Benefits Include:
• Your very own Home Page Website
• Over 2,200 academic courses
• Over 300 Smart Library courses
• Software Library, Smart Chat System
• Online Shopping & Business Finder
• Action, Sports, Puzzles & Video Games
• Smart Points for Free Online Shopping
• Smart Mail System with Video Mails
• Daily, weekly & monthly prizes
• Register Free users & win smart points
• Customize your Home Page as you like
Register for Free by simply visiting:
• Paid Member Benefits Include:
• 1 on 1 Training on Smart Library courses
• Computer Troubleshooting
• Basic, Video, & Website Branding
• Animated name in lights
• Free Member reports
• Lead Capture Page
• Online Business Income
• Advertisement Income
• Marketing & Product Trainings
• All Free Member benefit
• Real time backoffice and Accounting
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Authored by kevinn on 22nd August 2012
Sep 26
Dear friends,
Please study very closely about this company. Its NOT a MLM company. It doesn’t work like an MLM company.
1. The USD that you pay DO NOT go to the company. It goes directly to the person who sponsors you.I have others who say “what if the company run with your money?”. How can the company run with your money if the money DO NOT go to the company?.
2. This IS a company that is TRULY helping people to better their financial status.
The company is QLexchange, OneX is its marketing arm. Please go to youtube and google to check on OneX.
Do go to www.onex.me/skyhawk
Register is FREE. I would be able to give you more info thru this link.} else {
Authored by Hock H.E. Tan on 26th September 2011
Sep 24
Guys from today you are going to hear a lot from me about www.onex.me/skyhawk. This is what I have been looking for so many years. Let me tell you why I join this program.
1. It has a digital e-learning product, which can be sent anywhere in the world in 10 seconds.
2, It is TRULY, 100% REAL TIME. I can get the money in my hand as soon as it shows in my back office.
3. TRULY , one world, one plan.
4. It is in 190 countries and in 52 languages.
5. It only takes USD5.00 to start earning income.
6. The is no buying of lots, accounts, centers like those money game programs.
7. This plan is VERY UNIQUE . It looks like like MLM but it IS NOT.
You can recruit people from anywhere in the world with only USD5. We don't have to meet face to face to do this business.
Do register at www.onex.me/skyhawk for FREE and I will send you MORE info on this program.
See you soon.
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Authored by Hock H.E. Tan on 24th September 2011
Aug 13
Reference to the Newspaper dated 13 Aug 2011, Island Red Cafe Franchise Sdn Bhd executive director, Teow Wooi Huat and his son, Teow Chee Chow, also a director of the company, were charged in court with fraudulently inducing 93 people to invest RM1,040,400.
They have been sentenced by Sessions Court to a day jail and fined a total of RM160,000 after they admitted to two counts of cheating and misleading investors of over RM1mil in an Island Red Cafe programme.
They also pleaded guilty before a judge to offering shares of the company to the public through the programme although at that time, it was not involved in buying and selling shares.
For the first offence, Teow and Chee Chow were each sentenced to a day in prison and fined RM20,000 in default of 20 months jail. They were sentenced to a day in prison and fined RM70,000 and RM50,000 respectively, in default of 30 months jail, for the second offence.
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Authored by kevinn on 13th August 2011
May 10
This was taken about 10 minutes ago.

"Hey, I like your shirt, very nice, can I have one?", the man in yellow asked…
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Authored by kevinn on 10th May 2011
Apr 30
Monavie Malaysia turns 1 today.
Happy Birthday Monavie!!!

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Authored by kevinn on 30th April 2011
Apr 22
Here is the NSSP magazine publishing the stockist for State of Malacca. We are the only Stockist in Malacca, during year 1994. NSSP stands for Nature's Sunshine Products.

Operating hours : Monday to Saturday, From 8am to 9pm, Sunday : By Appointment only.

A closer look of NSSP Products in the cabinets.
This same footage taken today ( 22/04/2011 )

Authored by kevinn on 22nd April 2011
Jan 18
All these while, people come to my blog and left with nothing.
Now, I have something for them to really look into.
After 35 years, today, I have found a fantastic vehicle, which my son, Kevinn brought home and I am now with him driving this vehicle to build our dreams together. But we cannot do it alone.
We have found a group of talented people all over the world but they lack COURAGE.
Do YOU, have the COURAGE to click to : www.vemmabuilder.com/28334286
This IS the vehicle of 2011. It is like the largest, most modern ship in the world. I believe MLM of the future will be related to the internet.
I am giving you the key to check it out thoroughly.
I have a team of very experience people who has devoted their time and energy to assist you, if you want to sail along with me. You don't have to pay anything for our service, it is FREE.
Till then, I hope to have your comment.
Authored by Hock H.E. Tan on 18th January 2011
Jan 08
Happy New Year 2011!!! This is my first blog post for the year.
This year, I am going to do MLM online. No more going round to meet people. I want to stay at home and use my laptop . There are many online businesses in the net nowadays but again which one to choose?
Don't ever join the one time payment plan. Imagine you pay once and collect money all the time. All of them earn for a short time only.
Look at Skybiz 2000, What happen to the company? It closed down.
I have been searching for a reputable one and I think I have found one which meets my criteria. Will let you know a soon as possible.
Have a nice day.
Authored by Hock H.E. Tan on 8th January 2011
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