
Personal Development Add comments

When someone mentioned the word "Bata", the first thing that comes to our mind is, it is a shoe! A well known shoe Brand. 

Here is a story my dad used to tell during his MLM presentation. This is how is goes…

Once upon a time, there was this Manager of a Shoe Factory asking 2 guys to go to Africa to sell shoes. All costs of the trip and accomodations will be paid, so off they go for two days to Africa.

The first guy came back, and told the boss " African don't wear shoes!!!". Boss, "we can't sell shoes to them

because they don't wear shoes."

The second guy came back and told the boss "African don't wear shoes!!!", Boss "quickly sent a trailer of shoes over there

because they don't wear shoes."

Same situation but 2 different outcome from both guys.

Today, the people in Africa wear shoes, all kinds, like Nike, Reebok, etc…

The first guy was looking at the negative side of things and the second guy was looking at it, on the positive side.

  • Authored by kevinn on 26th December 2009

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