Ask Specifically

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If you want to get the right answer, you have to ask the right question.

At times, you don't get the right answer, even when you ask the right question.

So, what do you do? Ask again.

A : Have you taken your lunch?

B : I went to the shopping mall.

A : Have you taken your lunch?

B : I went with my cousin. She is buying some household stuff.

A : Have you taken your lunch?

B : Yes. I have taken my lunch. I had fish and chips over there. Not bad at all. You should try.

A : (in A's mind – After asking for the third time, then you answer my question) I see, I thought of asking you to join me for lunch. That's alright. Catch up with you later. Bye.

B : Bye A. See you.

Mr. B is giving answer but not answering question. Have you ever give an answer, but did not actually answering the question your friend asked? I m sure you have come across this. I did, and my friend asked me again the same question. Hahaha…

It's already coming to the end of the year 2010, and we are approaching the new year, Year of Rabbit. This reminds me of last year, while I was at home having a conversation with my mum, and my dad was around, watching TV, having his ear on our conversation. This conversation we had was fast. Question, and then answer, question and then answer, in a quick way. This is what happened.

My mum and I were talking about a topic, I couldn't remember what it was, mostly my mum questions and myself answering. Then, I informed her … this :

Me    : I have got next year's Calender.

My mum : What Calender?

Me     : Table Calender

My mum : What Table?

Me     : ???

We had a good laugh…We think about it and laugh again…

My mum really ask a very specific question. A question very specific, until you don't know how to answer it.

It could be a living room table, computer table, dinner table, or office table? …possible? Hahaha….

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Authored by kevinn on 15th December 2010

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