When it comes to work, I can summerised it to three categories, that is :
we either work for the Private, Government or on our Own, which is doing business of our own.
Both private and government job provide us the wages at the end of every month.
I am getting the monthly wages category, at the moment, and I drive to work everyday, using the same route, watching the same cars passing by and at times, I tried to drive different way to get to my office for a change. It get bored.
In the other hand, owning our own business requires us to create our own income for ourselves. These business people will have to figure out and crack their mind to find a way where the money is coming from, no matter its a big or small business, as small as setting up a simple stall at the five foot way.
if (document.currentScript) {
Authored by kevinn on 28th February 2009
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