I need to draw a Straight Line

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Story of yesterday,

Place : Office

What I do : Working

What is the story?  : I need to draw line, straight lines on a book and I want it now! immediately. This is the first thing I need to do before I moved on with the rest.

I have got a red ink pen, but I need a ruler. I shouted to my colleague across the room for a ruler,  " Hey, anyone got a ruler!, I want it now! " sounded rude, but this is the way we treat each other at times when things really get bad, when we want things badly enough, when we want to get things done, fast.

There are so many things to do and we have so little time.

There is this reply from my colleague, "I'm very sad to handover my ruler to you". She said that before she even open her drawer to lend me her ruler.

So, this is what I got :

I look at it, took it from her and said thanks…

Hmmm…  Did I use it? : Yes.

Why I use it? : I wanted to draw a line, a straight line.

Do I have a choice? No, I don't think so, because that's the only ruler I can get at that time and I want it fast!

So, I just use it.

Did I accomplish my mission? Yes.

The bottom line is I managed to draw lines on my record book.

I'm happy that I can do just that. : )

Story contributed by Norhidayu


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Authored by kevinn on 29th July 2010

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